Big data collection methods have always been a headache for researchers. The birth of the REDCap system is helpful for the organization and analysis of clinical big data. REDCap (Research Electronic Data Capture) is a set of electronic data collection systems for clinical research. Construction and management of clinical research database, developed by Vanderbilt University in the United States for more than ten years, has been used by more than 3,000 institutions in 120 countries, thereby publishing more than 5,000 papers. The system is still under development and improvement, with updated versions every month. It is currently licensed for free to non-profit institutional units. The main purpose of REDCap is to provide the registration of clinical research. The paper Case Report Form is electronically operated by using a browser. REDCap also provides secure and confidential data to save network information. Library. I hope this course will help you solve the dilemma of handling clinical data.
【Speaker】National Taiwan University Hospital Dr. Lu-Cheng, Kuo
【Date】 Wednesday, 06 November ,2019
【Time】 14:00-17:00
【Venue】Kaohsiung Medical University Chi-Shih Building 2F CS210
§§Teacher growth points (research growth) registered for this workshop: 1 point.§§
Authentication method: Complete the check-in and refund record to get 1 teacher growth point.
Teachers and research teams interested in learning more are welcome to participate.